Individual Participant Summary Report
In Alooba you can download Summary Report of the overview of how one of your participants has performed in your assessment. The summary report is a short PDF document summarizing the performance of an individual participant once they've completed the assessment process. In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading the summary reports and explain its contents.
What is the Summary Report?
The summary report focuses on the performance of a single participant, providing valuable insights into their assessment results. It serves as a concise overview of their performance, allowing you to evaluate their skills and progress. The summary report can be accessed for any Alooba Assess or Alooba Junior candidate, as well as for Alooba Growth employees.
Benefits of the Summary Report
The summary report offers several advantages for recruiters, hiring teams, and L&D managers:
- Performance Overview: The report provides a consolidated view of a participant's performance, highlighting their overall score, as well as a breakdown of their performance across each of the skills assessed.
- Easy Sharing: With the summary report, you can effortlessly share the participant's performance summary with team members outside of Alooba, enabling collaborative decision-making.
- Offline Accessibility: Once downloaded, the PDF report can be accessed offline, allowing you to review and analyze participant results conveniently.
Generating and Downloading the Summary Report
Note: The summary report will only be available once an assessment has been submitted and evaluated.
- Ensure that the participant's assessment status is Complete. If a participant's status is Requires Evaluation, you must finish scoring all ungraded questions before the report will become available to download.
For participants with an assessment status of Complete, look for the Download Summary Report icon located in the top right corner of the Candidate/Employee Details page.
Download Summary Report icon button on the Participant Details page - Click on the Download Summary Report icon, and the report to download the PDF summary report.
Once the download is complete, you can open the downloaded PDF file using any PDF viewer, such as your browser, to access the participant's summary report.
Example Summary Report of a candidate
Contents of the Summary Report
The participant summary report is designed to be shared with people without access to, and potentially unfamiliar with Alooba. It includes the following sections:
General Information: This section provides basic details about the participant, such as their name, contact information, overall score, the dates when they were invited to and completed the assessment, and their relative performance to other participants of the same assessment.
General Information at the start of the Summary Report Introduction: This section provides a brief introduction to the summary report, explaining its purpose and how to interpret the information presented, as well as the company and role.
Introduction section of the Summary Report Test Sections: The report includes a separate section for each test included in the assessment. These sections provide some context about the test they took and display the test's total score, as well as the individual scores for each skill covered by that particular test. Additionally, the duration spent by the participant on each test is also shown.
For instance, the section of the Concepts & Knowledge test could look like:
Concepts & Knowledge test section of the Summary Report
Can't see the Download Summary Report icon for a candidate or employee?
There are a few scenarios where the Download Summary Report icon will not be available.
- Participant hasn't Completed all tests within the assessment. As mentioned above, the summary report will only be available when the participant's assessment status is Completed. If the participant hasn't submitted all tests within the assessment you will need to wait for them to complete the assessment before being able to download the report.
- The assessment status is Requires Evaluation. If the assessment contained a test that doesn't have automated grading, such as the free response test, someone will need to grade each of the responses to finalize their score. Once all ungraded questions have been given a score their assessment status will automatically update to Completed and the Download Summary Report icon will become available.
- Candidate Cloaking is enabled. If candidate cloaking is enabled, you will not be able to download the summary report. For more information about candidate cloaking read our Reducing Unconscious Bias in Candidate Selection with Candidate Cloaking article. If personal or organizational cloaking is enabled, you can turn off the Candidate Details Hidden toggle, which will make the Download Summary Report icon appear. If assessment level cloaking has been enabled, the toggle will not be shown, and the summary reports will not be available until the assessment level cloaking is disabled.
The participant summary report empowers recruiters, hiring teams, and L&D managers with an overview of individual participant performances. The summary reports can be easily downloaded from the participant's page on Alooba to be shared with your colleagues that may not have access to Alooba, or filed in your ATS, HR, or LTS system.
The summary report provides a very high-level overview of their performance, and we still recommend accessing Alooba to see the full details of each participant's performance.
We hope this support article has helped you understand how to generate and download the participant results summary PDF in Alooba. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your account manager.