Taking An Alooba Assessment

Our vision at Alooba is to create a world where everyone can get the job they deserve.

Alooba is a skills assessment platform.

Organizations use Alooba to understand their candidates' skills, as well evaluate their current team's capabilities.

This is a short guide for candidates on taking assessments on Alooba.

It covers off the most common questions we receive, and is divided into three sections:

  • What is Alooba & why is Alooba involved?
  • Job Assessments FAQs: Assessments you've been invited to complete as part of a job application.
  • Practice Assessments FAQ: Free practice tests available on Alooba World.

Why Alooba?

Why is Alooba being used in the hiring process?

There are variety of reasons why organizations choose to partner with Alooba on hiring. Normally, it comes down to some of the following:

  • Hire the best candidates possible
  • Hire more efficiently
  • Hire faster
  • Offer a better candidate experience
  • Hire in a fair & unbiased way

What are the benefits to me as a candidate of Alooba?

As a candidate, it's great news that Alooba is involved in your hiring process. As a candidate, there are three big benefits for you:

  1. You can get free, detailed & actionable feedback on your skills, delivered immediately
  2. You can be treated fairly & objectively in a merit-based hiring process
  3. You can get a clear understanding of the skills required for the role

Traditional hiring practices - such as manual CV screening - tend to be very subjective, which leaves them open to bias and discrimination. This means hiring, especially the screening stages, are not merit-based. If you're the best candidate for the job, it's only fair that you should be the one landing the role.

A CV contains loads of areas of potential bias
Beware of all the biases your application will be subject to

Where in the hiring process is Alooba used?

Alooba is used in various parts of the hiring process. Some organizations use Alooba as a screening assessment, while others use Alooba further down the hiring funnel, as an in-depth assessment.

Where organizations choose to use Alooba depends on their own pain-points. Some organizations receive vast volumes of applications (>500 per position), and so having a simple and scalable way to screen candidates is essential. By evaluating everyone in a fair & objective way, organizations find that they can identify better candidates than with manual CV screening, which is open to bias & discrimination.

Other organizations use Alooba further down the hiring funnel, instead of running their own take-home assessment. For the organizations, the main benefit is removing the need to create, maintain, administer and grade their own take-home assessments, which is incredibly costly.

How can traditional screening be open to bias & discrimination?

Employers have traditionally used manual CV screening as a way to decided who to interview. As a candidate, this poses several problems for you:

  • Your CV contains various bits of personal information that should be irrelevant to the organizations's hiring decision. This includes your name (ethnicity & gender), your address (socioeconomic status) and when you went to school (age). In some countries, it's also common to include your marital status, religion & a photo. These all serve to potentially bias the recruiter's shortlisting decisions.
  • Other than personal information that's the source of potential discrimination, there are myriad other pieces of noise that are irrelevant and the known source of biases against you. For example, consider if you'd attended a less prestigious university. The recruiter might immediately assume that you are not be as talented as someone who went to a more well-established university - this is the 'horn effect' in practice.
  • Your CV is just a short marketing document and is not validated. This means many candidates will tend to inflate their achievements - knowingly or otherwise - in order to get a call back. This 'inflation' then means more realistic and honest candidates can be at a disadvantage. This is basically the Dunning-Kruger effect in play.
  • Recruiters tend to glance at a CV for a very short period of time before making a decision. CV screening has been proven to be non-deterministic, and almost random. Whether or not you get shortlisted, is more down to who was doing the screening and what side of the bed they got out of, rather than the quality and relevance of your CV.
  • Because there is no specific rejection reason recorded anywhere, organizations are unable to provide you with any feedback on why you didn't get shortlisted. You might receive a generic rejection email, sometimes months later, but it will not contain anything other than platitudes. This then leaves you guessing as to what to do next and no idea how to improve your chances for next time.
Woman with headscarf 5x less likely to get a call back on a job
CVs that contained a woman with a headscarf are nearly 5x less likely to receive a call back!

How does Alooba solve the issues of traditional hiring?

Instead of being screened based on your CV, instead you take a short skills quiz, customized for the position. With the assessment being automatically graded, candidates get to the interview based on merit.

When reviewing your results, employers can use Alooba's candidate cloaking, which fully anonymizes all your personal information, such as your name and email address. This means the recruiter can make their shortlisting decision without the opportunity for bias or discrimination to creep in.

Job Assessments

This section is about assessments you've been invited to take in relation to a job application. We've included some FAQs from candidates, and divided this into three section:

  1. Before the assessment
  2. During the assessment
  3. After the assessment

Before the assessment

What do I get out of completing the assessment?

Once the assessment is complete and you have provided feedback, you will see the results of any automatically graded tests included in your assessment.*

We'll also show you your areas for review, which are our insights on where you fell down in the assessment, and how to improve for next time. With some recommended articles and videos, we've helped to nudge on your way to success, even if it's not with this role.

*It's the organization's discretion whether or not the results are shown. We recommend it, and for more than 95% of the assessments, candidates see their results as soon as the assessment is completed.

How can I prepare for the assessment?

The assessments aim to evaluate your current skill set, so there is no need to practice for the assessments. You might like to take some of the free assessments on Alooba World, especially to become comfortable with the testing platform.

What do I need to complete the assessment?

This will always include ensuring that you have an up-to-date version of your browser, are using a desktop or laptop computer and have a fast and reliable internet connection.

The exact technical requirements vary slightly from assessment to assessment. These are clearly stated in the invitation email and on the invitation landing page.

Do I need a webcam to complete the assessment?

For some questions (e.g. video questions) you may need a webcam to complete them. You may also be asked to verify your identify using your webcam. Again, this will be clearly stated in the invitation email and on the invitation landing page.

Do I have to sign-up to take the assessment?

If you've been invited to take an assessment with Alooba, you will have received the unique link in the email invitation. Simply click through that link to complete the assessment. There is no need to sign-up to Alooba to complete your assessment.

I have some questions about what content will be included in the assessment. Who should I ask about that?

The test invitation email contains the core details of the coverage of the assessment, including the technical requirements, timing, expiration and other key details.

To retain the integrity of the assessment, other specific details of the questions are not revealed.

When do I have to complete the assessment by?

The expiration date is listed in the invitation email. Please complete the assessment by that date.

Please note carefully the timezone offset of the expiration, which may be different to your timezone's offset.

For example, the expiration might be listed as 'Apr 24th 2024 10:48 AM GMT +07:00'. If your timezone offset is not 7 hours after GMT, you will need to convert it into your timezone using Google or a site like this.

Can I get an extension?

Each assessment has an expiration date listed in the invitation email. It's important that you complete the assessment before this deadline. Some positions are urgent requirements from employers, and so if you wait too long to complete the assessment, it's possible the position is no longer available.

However, you may be able to receive an extension under certain circumstances. Please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this after your assessment has expired.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A written explanation of when you require an extension until and why

Can I stop during the assessment to take a break?

Once you start a test, the timer will start. There is no way to pause the timer. It's therefore important that you organize your time so that you can complete the test in one sitting.

However, if you have been asked to take multiple tests, you do not need to do them back-to-back - you just need to complete them all by the expiration date.

I received a text message reminding me about an assessment, but not an email invitation.

Firstly, please thoroughly check your spam and other folders in your inbox. If you are still sure you have not received an email invitation, please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • The phone number you received the text message on
    • Including any international code like +44, +1 etc.
  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you applied for the role with
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to

I haven't received a test link via email.

Firstly, please thoroughly check your spam and other folders in your inbox. If you are still sure you have not received an email invitation and you were expecting to, please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you applied for the role with
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to

I received an invitation to complete an assessment, but I don't remember applying for the role.

We'd recommend double-checking your email for when you applied for this role to check for application emails. If you are sure you didn't apply, then no worries, there is no action needed on your part. You can just ignore the invitation emails from Alooba.

What is the passing score for the assessment?

The passing grade for each assessment is different, because each assessment set-up is different the requirements of the employer also vary.

What difficulty level is the assessment?

Because each assessment is set up differently from employer to employer, the difficulty level of assessments vary. Employers set them up to suit their requirements for the role they're hiring.

I need special dispensation to take the test?

Alooba is committed to providing a fair & inclusive environment for all candidates. Special dispensation can be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the employer. Please reach out to the employer that asked you to take the test to request special dispensation and they will be able to configure that within their Alooba account.

The assessment is not focused on my skills. Can you send a different assessment that's based on my profile?

In short, no this is not how it works. Rather, each company defines the requirements for their role. They then set-up the assessment on Alooba to match those requirements. They then invite candidates to complete the assessment, to provide them with a clear indication of which candidates best match the skill requirements for their role.

If you find that you don't think you have any of the skills that are in the assessment, this is a good indication that the role probably isn't a good match for you. However, you are more than welcome to attempt the assessment anyway and get some feedback on your skills. You might surprise yourself?

I don't know the skills I'm going to be assessed in. What should I do?

The assessment has been set-up by the employer to match the requirements of the role. If you find that you do not possess any of the skills required for the role, that's a good indication it's not the right role for you. If you're unsure or on the fence, you can always take the assessment and find out. You might find you have more skills than you realize!

I have been invited to complete an assessment, but I don't want to complete it.

No worries. It's very unlikely that you will be able to proceed to the next stage of the hiring process without completing the assessment. If you do not want to complete it, there is no action needed then on your part, and you can simply ignore the invitation emails from Alooba.

I don't feel like I should have to take an assessment to get this job.

It's very unlikely that you will be able to proceed to the next stage of the hiring process without completing the assessment. However, you're always welcome to reach out to the employer to discuss other options.

I have lots of experience, why do I need to take a test?

Using things like 'years of experience' in the screening process is a very poor indicator of a candidate's ability. This is why employers now try to avoid this, and rather measure their candidates' skills directly using products like Alooba. People learn at vastly different rates - some people learn more in 6 months than others do in 20 years, so more experience doesn't really mean anything.

Having every candidate take the same test, also ensures an easy way to accurately & fairly compare candidates. It's not possible to easily compare experience in an apples-for-apples way.

I have a degree, why do I need to take a test?

Most candidates possess a degree these days, so this is not a differentiating factor. A formal qualification, a university name and other factors are very weak predictors of on-the-job-performance, so employers are steering clear of them nowadays, in favor of skills-based hiring.

Having every candidate take the same test, also ensures an easy way to accurately & fairly compare candidates. It's not possible to easily compare experience.

I'd like to withdraw my application.

Feel free to contact the employer directly if you like. There is no action you need to take with Alooba - you can simply ignore the test invitation emails.

I want to let you know that I'm going to do the assessment.

There is no need for you to notify the employer or Alooba if you are going to complete the assessment or not.

Can I take the test on my mobile device or tablet?

No, you should not attempt this. There may be parts of the assessment that are not possible to complete on mobile or tablet devices, such as coding tests.

Can I take the test on my work computer?

Some company's firewalls and may block your access to parts of the Alooba site, so in general we do not recommend this.

Can I share the assessment questions with other people?

No, please do not do this. This is a breach of the candidate code of conduct, our terms and conditions and intellectual property laws. Because each assessment is unique, it can be tied back to an individual candidate. Alooba actively seeks out leaks of our question content and tracks down the source of any leak.

Can I get assistance to take the test?

No, you must take the test yourself, without the aid of anyone or anything else. Please refer to the code of conduct before starting the assessment.

I'm worried about other candidates cheating. What measures do Alooba have in place to prevent this?

Alooba has a wide variety of industry-leading cheating prevention & detection methods, to prevent & catch a wide variety of different types of cheating.

These measures include technical, behavioral & analytical measures. We do not publish details of these measures.

What happens if I am caught cheating?

Alooba retains a permanent record of all cheating discovered on the platform.

Can I get the answers to the questions I got wrong?

In order to maintain the integrity of the assessments, we do not reveal the correct answers to questions.

Can I get a certification or badge from Alooba?

We do not offer certifications or badges to candidates.

Can I get training or some courses?

We do not offer training or online learning courses.

Do you offer interview prep?

We don't currently offering an interview preparation service to candidates, but feel free to keep an eye on Alooba World in the future.

Can you help me get a job?

Skills-based hiring is becoming more and more common as employers recognize it as the best way to hire. So improving your relevant skills will help you in your effort to land your next role. You can get some quick feedback on your skills with free practice assessments on Alooba World.

But Alooba is not a recruitment company, so we cannot directly help you get a job.

Are there open positions at Alooba?

If we are hiring any roles, they will be shown on Alooba Jobs and the employer will be listed as Alooba.

How do I share my CV with Alooba?

If the employer has specifically requested this, there will be a place to upload this either in the job application form on Alooba Jobs or during the pre-test questionnaire.

Otherwise, there is no need for you to share a CV with Alooba for any reason.

During the assessment

I want to take the tests in a certain order. Can I do that?

No, you will need to take the tests in the order that they have been assigned.

I'm getting a 4xx error clicking through from the link in the email.

If you experience a 4xx level error (e.g. 403) when clicking the blue 'Take The Assessment' button in the email, please go back to the invitation email and find the link at the bottom of the email.

There will be some text which says 'If you're experiencing any issues accessing the link above, copy and paste this URL directly into your browser:' and a then a blue link. Please copy that link directly into the browser and try again. It will look something like this (but with a different code):

If you are still getting a 4xx error, then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

The assessment link is not opening.

If you click the blue 'Take The Assessment' button in the email and then the page does not load, please go back to the invitation email and find the link at the bottom of the email.

There will be some text which says 'If you're experiencing any issues accessing the link above, copy and paste this URL directly into your browser:' and a then a blue link. Please copy that link directly into the browser and try again. It will look something like this (but with a different code):

If the link is still not opening properly, then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I'm trying to start the test, but it won't start. What should I do?

If you are on the instructions page, please ensure you have opted into all three check boxes on the page:

  1. The technical requirements
  2. The terms and conditions
  3. The code of conduct
Test invitation page showing three opt-in boxes
Make sure you've opted into all of these

If you are on any other page, please try the following first:

  1. Refresh the page (press F5). If that has not resolved the issue, then:
  2. Please double check your internet connection & speed, for example using Google's internet speed test. If that has not resolved the issue then please reach out to us

If you still cannot proceed, please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I'm getting a warning message saying my device or browser is not supported, what should I do?

Not all browsers and devices are supported on Alooba. You should stick with the recommendations we make in the test invitation emails. If you see this warning message, it means you should not continue. Please switch to a supported browser and device.

What is the code of conduct?

The code of conduct provides some ethical guidelines for you to complete the assessment by. Every candidate must agree to the code of conduct before starting the assessment.

Does the self evaluation affect my test questions?

No. If you rate yourself a 1/10 or a 10/10, or anything in between, these ratings do not affect the questions you will face in the test.

I think there is an issue with one of the questions.

For example, perhaps you think the question has a spelling error, or is confusing, or there are no correct answer options. You can report this question during the assessment with one click.

Showing how to report a question on Alooba
Reporting a question is easy

Then, at the end of the assessment, you will be asked to provide more information about it. We do not ask you for more information during the test, because we do not want to distract you from completing the test.

I closed the browser and came back to the test.

We save your answers as you submit each answer. If you close the browser and come back to the test, your answers will still be there because they had already been recorded. Of course, once you re-open the test, you can still update them as often as you like before finally submitting the test. You can re-open the test by clicking through the original test link found in the invitation email.

Note, if the timer has ended by the time you re-open the test link, your test will be finished.

I temporarily lost internet connection.

We save your answers as you submit each answer. If you temporarily lose connection, your answers will still be there because they had already been recorded. Of course, once your connection returns, you can still update them as often as you like before finally submitting the test.

Note, if the timer has ended by the time you re-gain a connection, your test will be finished.

My power went off.

We save your answers as you submit each answer. If you temporarily lose power, your answers will still be there because they had already been recorded. Of course, once you re-open the test, you can still update them as often as you like before finally submitting the test. You can re-open the test by clicking through the original test link found in the invitation email.

Note, if the timer has ended by the time you re-open the test link, your test will be finished.

The test is freezing or is very slow.

Firstly, we're sorry about that. It must be super frustrating for you, and stressful too. OK, let's help sort this out. Please firstly:

  1. Refresh the page (press F5). If that has not resolved the issue, then:
  2. Please double check your internet connection & speed, for example using Google's internet speed test. If that has not resolved the issue then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

    Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

The images are not loading, or loading slowly.

Firstly, we're sorry about that. It must be super frustrating for you, and stressful too. OK, let's help sort this out. Please firstly:

  1. Refresh the page (press F5). If that has not resolved the issue, then:
  2. Please double check your internet connection & speed, for example using Google's internet speed test. If that has not resolved the issue then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

    Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I get a 'page not found' error while taking the test.

Firstly, we're sorry about that. It must be super frustrating for you, and stressful too. OK, let's help sort this out. Please firstly:

  1. Refresh the page (press F5). If that has not resolved the issue, then:
  2. Please double check your internet connection & speed, for example using Google's internet speed test. If that has not resolved the issue then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

    Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I am experiencing some other kind of bug.

Firstly, we're sorry about that. It must be super frustrating for you, and stressful too. OK, let's help sort this out. Please firstly:

  1. Refresh the page (press F5). If that has not resolved the issue, then:
  2. Please double check your internet connection & speed, for example using Google's internet speed test. If that has not resolved the issue then please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this.

Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I can't see a way to select multiple answers in the multiple choice.

This is by design. The questions have five answer options, and only one is correct. Hence, you can only select one answer.

I keep getting a 'returned to test' message.

To ensure the fairness and integrity of the test, we track when you enter and exit the browser tab.

I'm trying to take the SQL test and some syntax is not supported.

The SQL test runs on a SQLite engine, so it might be slightly different to other versions of SQL that you're used to. Some of the limitations are listed on the SQL test page for you to be aware of, and these were shown before you started the test.

How do I see the data available in the tables in the SQL test?

Feel free to select the data from any table to explore the data, like this:

select * from table_name

I'm trying to take the Python (R) coding test and some packages are not available.

The coding (Python/R) test has a many pre-installed common packages. Any package required to answer the questions are already available for you. There might be some packages that you'd normally prefer to use that are not available, so you will need to make do with what you have at your disposal. Due to security reasons, you are not able to install your own packages.

My SQL query is timing out.

To prevent poorly written queries executing indefinitely, we terminate long-running queries after a couple of seconds. Each SQL test involves a fairly small schema, so any correct query executes in a few milliseconds. If the query is timing out, this normally happens when you have accidentally expanded the dataset, exponentially. Please check your join conditions and make sure you have not done this.

For example, here is a real query from a candidate that will timeout because the joins are not correct - they are do not define the tables & columns that the data is being joined to.

count(t1.id) as item_count, 
t3.id as cust_id
from purchase_item t2 
join item t1 
join customer t3
group by cust_id
order by item_count desc

I'm trying to invite myself to an assessment but it says 'This candidate has already been registered for the assessment. Please follow the instructions found in the email you received.', but I have not received any email now.'

This is most likely because you have already taken the assessment in the past, and you cannot re-take the same assessment twice. Feel free to reach out to the employer about this and ask if they will let you take it another time.

After the assessment

Where can I get my results?

If the employer has set-up the assessment to reveal your results, you'll be shown them once you complete the end of assessment feedback form.

How do I interpret my results?

You will be shown an overall score for the assessment, as well as a breakdown by skill included in the Areas for Review. For example, below a score of 2/5 for Statistics means this candidate scored 40% for the Statistics skill. Note, because each question can be worth multiple points, 2/5 does not mean they answered 2 of 5 questions correctly. Most likely, they answered one question right that was worth 2 points, and answered one question wrong that was worth 3 points, for a total of 2/(2+3).

I completed the feedback but my results aren't showing.

While employers typically set up their assessments to show the results to their candidates, sometimes they choose not to show them.

I completed the test, but my score looks incorrect.

It is highly unlikely that your score is incorrect. It's easily possible to score very low (e.g. 0%), especially in a test with only a couple of questions, such as in the SQL and coding tests. We appreciate it sometimes comes as a shock to score below where you thought you would.

Can my score change?

The score to your assessment may sometimes change, especially if there is any manual grading involved. 99.9% of the time, however, your score will remain the same as it is shown to you at the end of the assessment.

I have completed the assessment. Do I need to notify the employer now?

Well done on completing your assessment! The employer has access to the results already, and there is nothing you need to do.

Can I get a copy of my results?

Yes you can*. Once you see your results at the end of the assessment, we email you with a link back to this page. This way, you will always have the results available.

*If the employer has the results switched on, then you will be shown them at the end of the assessment. If they haven't, then you will not see the results and will also not receive any email.

What should I do with my results?

While there is no need to share the results with the employer, you can use them as your own customized learning & development guide. With the recommended resources available, you can start to bone up on the topics you went wrong with. Being humble and addressing your weaknesses is a great mentality to have, and if you come back 6 months later and nail the next assessment, this is sure to impress the employer.

If you've been invited to an interview for the role, you might like to run over the areas you went wrong, to prepare for follow up questions in the interview.

Can I get another attempt at the test?

In order to maintain a fair hiring process, it's important that every candidate gets treated fairly and equally. This means each candidate has the same conditions as each other, including only getting one attempt to take the test.

How is my personal information used?

Please refer to our privacy policy.

How do I contact the employer?

Please reach out to the employer via their careers site, or any other contact you have received in their recruitment team.

I experienced a technical issue (e.g. power outage), a bug or some other issue while taking the assessment, what should I do?

Firstly, we're sorry about that. It must be super frustrating for you, and stressful too. OK, let's help sort this out.

Please reach out to us via the chat beacon to discuss this. Once we've received this information from you, we aim to respond within 1 working day. So that we can come back to you as soon as possible, please provide the following in your first message:

  • Your name & email address
    • Ensure they exactly match the ones you're using with Alooba
  • The name of the organization the assessment is in relation to
  • The job title the assessment relates to
  • A detailed written explanation of the issue you faced while taking the test
  • Screenshots to demonstrate what the issue was, including one of the 'Console' tab from your browser (press F12)
    • Ensure any screenshots include the full URL of the browser

I'd like to get an update on my application?

Please reach out to the employer whose job you applied for, or wait for them to reach out to you.

I've taken my test. Did I make the next round?

If you reach the next round, the employer will reach out to you.

Can I provide feedback on the assessment?

Yes you absolutely can, and we love it. Once you've completed the assessment, you'll be asked for your feedback on the assessment. It's a short form that should take no more than 2 minutes to complete. This feedback is vital to us, and we literally read every bit of feedback that is provided to us.

Free Practice Assessments

Before taking your real assessment for the role you've applied for, you might like to take a practice test. There's a few options available here, and they're free for you to take. It's important to note that each assessment set up by an employer is different, so there's no guarantee the content of the free assessments will be at all similar the assessment that you will face for a job.

Are the questions the same as for the employer assessments?

No, none of the questions are the same. The free questions will not be included in any real employment assessments.

Can I take the free test again?

You can take the free practice assessments as many times as you like. You will need to use a different email address to take the same test a second time.

Do you share the free test data with employers?

No, the practice test data is not shared with any employers. If this is still a concern for you, feel free to invite yourself to the free assessments using a different email address and name.

Can I buy more practice assessments?

All our practice assessments are free. We do not offer any paid practice assessments.

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