Enable Greenhouse ATS integration
Alooba is an analytics & data science skills assessment platform that empowers your talent team to deliver high-quality candidates quickly and fairly. Validate your candidate’s skills before interviews with assessments customized to fit your role.
Alooba's integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to seamlessly add Aloobaassessments to your job's interview plan. In this article, we will cover how to:
- Enable the Greenhouse/AloobaAssessment Integration
- Add the Alooba Stage to a Job’s Interview Plan
- Configure the Alooba Stage
- Sending Assessment Invitations
- Accessing the Assessment Results
- Enable Candidate Status Synchronization
- Enable Candidate Data Anonymization
- Enable the Advanced Integration with Harvest API
Enabling the Greenhouse / Alooba Integration
To start, log into an Owner or Admin user within your Alooba account and navigate to the Organization Settings page and generate an API key for Greenhouse.
Make sure to save your API key somewhere securely as it will not be shown again.
Once you have received your API key, click here to open a ticket with Greenhouse.
Note: Do not send your API key in the initial ticket. Greenhouse Support will respond with a SendSafely link for you to securely share the API key.
Wait for a confirmation email from Greenhouse Support. You may be required to verify your account before you can proceed.
Greenhouse Support will provide a SendSafely link where you can enter your API key. Once Greenhouse Support has been notified that you’ve entered your API key, they will send a confirmation email.
Add Alooba Stage to Job’s Interview Plan
Once the Greenhouse/Alooba integration is enabled for your organization, you will be able to add the Alooba assessment as an Interview Stage.
To do this for an existing job, navigate to a job (Jobs > Job Name) and click Job Setup from the side navigation.
From the Job Setup overview page, navigate to Interview Plan on the side navigation, or select ‘Edit’ on the Interview Plan section of the overview page. Then, click the Add stage button on the top right.
From the Add Stage dialog box, select the Alooba stage then click Add to apply the stage to the job's interview plan.
Configure the Alooba Stage
Once the stage has been added to the job's interview plan, you can drag and drop it to the position where you want to include the stage in the process. You will get the most value from Alooba near the top of the funnel.
Once it’s positioned at the top of your hiring process, click the pencil icon on the right to configure the Alooba assessment to use.
Use the provided drop-down menu to choose an assessment that you have previously set up in Alooba to send to Candidates for the job.
Select the appropriate assessment. There’s no need to enter any interview questions here. You should also set a default grader, which will be the person who will review the Alooba results and decide which candidates should move forward. When finished, click Save.
Note: Keep in mind that all configuration of the assessment itself will need to be done in Alooba directly.
Sending Assessment Invitations
When candidates are moved into the Aloobastage, Greenhouse will display a Send Test link.
If you want to send the assessment invitation to all new applicants, you will need to move them to the Alooba stage first. Go to Candidates then filter them by Job and Stage, then you can select Bulk Actions, then Select All, then Edit Selected, then Move to Another Stage and select Alooba.
Once in the Alooba stage you will still need to get Greenhouse to trigger Alooba to send the assessment invitations. You can do this individually, or in bulk by filtering the candidate list by Job, and Alooba Stage, then in the Pipeline Tasks filter list set Test Status to To Be Sent. Then to send them, select Bulk Actions, Select All, then Edit Selected again, then Send Tests.
Note: If you don’t include the Test Status filter, the Send Tests bulk option will not be available.
The test and grader will default to the one configured in the Alooba stage of the Job interview plan. Select Send Test to send the assessment invitation to the candidate.
Note: When you send a test from Greenhouse, the interview instructions are actually sent by Alooba.
Accessing the Assessment Results
Management of the candidate’s assessment will need to be done within Alooba, where you will be able to see if the candidate has started the assessment, manage extensions, etc.
Once the candidate completes the Alooba assessment, if the assessment doesn’t require any manual evaluation the candidate’s results will be shown on the Candidate’s Interview Kit within Greenhouse.
If the assessment requires evaluation, this will need to be done within Alooba. As soon as the candidate’s assessment is evaluated within Alooba, the final score will be shown on the Candidate’s Interview Kit within Greenhouse.
When the candidate’s assessment is complete the View Report link will link back to the Alooba assessment results page, which will provide a detailed report of the candidate’s performance.
Enable Candidate Status Synchronization
Alooba supports Greenhouse's candidate reject, unreject, hired, and unhired webhooks. These webhooks will notify Alooba whenever a candidate is rejected or hired in Greenhouse, allowing Alooba to update the candidate's status accordingly. To enable this feature, follow the additional instructions provided below. If you choose not to enable this feature, you can simply skip these steps.
To set up candidate status synchronization, you will need to add new webhooks from the Webhooks Page in the Greenhous Dev Center.
When adding the webhook the following fields are needed:
You will need to add four webhooks to enable synchronization of the events: reject, unreject, hired, and unhired.
The configuration of each of the webhooks should be identical, other than the Name, and When attributes.
Use the following configuration for each of the When events:
- Candidate or Prospect rejected
- Candidate or Prospect unrejected
- Candidate has been hired
- Candidate has been unhired
Name: | The name is only a label that you can choose to make it easy to identify what the purpose of the webhook is (e.g. Alooba Reject Candidate, etc) |
Endpoint URL: | This is the URL to which the webhook will be sent. Set this to https://integration.v2.alooba.com/v1/greenhouse/webhook |
When: | This is the event that triggers the webhook. Repeat this form for each of the supported webhooks. |
Secret Key: | Enter the Alooba Greenhouse API Key that was generated when setting up the initial Assessment Integration |
Error recipient email: | Enter tech-support@alooba.com to ensure we will be informed if there are any issues with the webhook |
Additional HTTP Headers: Within Advanced settings |
Additional HTTP headers are required to identify the requesting organization. It must follow this format:X-Organisation: <company-name> |
Enable Candidate Data Anonymization
Alooba supports Greenhouse's anonymize candidate webhook. This feature enables you to automatically anonymize candidate data in Alooba whenever a candidate is anonymized in Greenhouse. This is to ensure that Alooba follows the data retention policies defined in Greenhouse, and handles requests from candidates to have their data “forgotten”.
When a candidate is anonymized in Greenhouse, Greenhouse will notify Alooba via the anonymize webhook. Alooba then automatically anonymize the corresponding candidates' data in its system by removing the following personally identifiable information (PII) that was sent from Greenhouse:
- Name
- Email Address
- Phone number
- Resume URL
Other PII collected when taking the assessment will also be anonymized.
To enable this feature, follow the additional instructions provided below. If you choose not to enable this feature, you can simply skip these steps.
To set up the anonymization webhook, add a new webhook from the Webhooks Page in the Greenhouse Dev Center. The configuration is exactly the same as the Candidate Rejection, with the exception of the event that triggers the webhook.
When adding the webhook the following fields are needed:
Name: | The name is only a label that you can choose to make it easy to identify what the purpose of the webhook is (e.g. Alooba Anonymize Candidate) |
Endpoint URL: | This is the URL to which the webhook will be sent. Set this to https://integration.v2.alooba.com/v1/greenhouse/webhook |
When: | This is the event that triggers the webhook. Select Candidate anonymized |
Secret Key: | Enter the Alooba Greenhouse API Key that was generated when setting up the initial Assessment Integration |
Error recipient email: | Enter tech-support@alooba.com to ensure we will be informed if there are any issues with the webhook |
Additional HTTP Headers: Within Advanced settings |
Additional HTTP headers are required to identify the requesting organization. It must follow this format: X-Organisation: <company-name> |
Enable the Advanced Integration with Harvest API
Enhancing the Alooba integration with Greenhouse’s Harvest API can help streamline your hiring process by allowing Alooba to enrich the candidate profiles within Greenhouse by adding breakdowns of the Alooba test and skill level scores as custom fields within Greenhouse.
Adding the scores to custom fields will allow your team to filter candidates by test scores and skill scores within Greenhouse.
This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Alooba with Greenhouse’s Harvest API. Before attempting the integration, you should have Site Admin access to Greenhouse.
Start by creating a new API key in the API Credentials section of the Greenhouse Dev Center:
Select Harvest for the API type field and keep the optional Partner field blank:
Copy the generated API Key and store it in a safe location.
Note: Do not add this t your Alooba configuration until the proper permissions have been set.
Next, we need to add permissions to the generated API Key. Please make sure these boxes are ticked:
- Users
- Get: List Users
- Post: Add User
- Applications
- Patch: Update Application
- Custom Fields
- Post: Create Custom Field
- Get: Get Custom Fields
After adding the permissions, add the Harvest API key to your Alooba account via the organization settings page.
Immediately after adding the Harvest API Key in Alooba, an Alooba user will be created in Greenhouse which will be used for all actions triggered by Alooba.
Important: After enabling the integration you will need to update the permissions of the created Alooba user to ensure that it has access to perform the required actions for the integration. Specifically, make sure to grant the Alooba Integration user Site Admin access.
Go to the Greenhouse Manage Users page and edit the newly created Alooba Integration user. Select Reassign permission then assign the Site Admin permission to the user and click Save permissions.
That’s it! Now a candidate completes an assessment after being invited through Greenhouse, the candidate’s scores will be pushed to custom fields in Greenhouse.
Testing The Integration
We'd strongly recommend testing the integration properly before pushing it live on real candidates. This will help you confirm that you have set it all up correctly and avoid any issues. Your tests should include checking that candidates get invited to the correct assessment and that the results get pushed back to Greenhouse correctly.
Need help?
Please Contact Alooba for troubleshooting assistance regarding the integration.